San Diego Photobooth Rentals

Photo Booth Rentals in San Diego

We always love a party, and our San Diego location wants to make your next party a big hit.
Photo Booth for RentOur central location means we can be the life of your party from Del Mar to Chula Vista. AFC’s custom, sleek photo booths feature touch screens, instant double prints, and can even email you your photos right on the spot. Our fun-loving attendants also bring a table full of goofy props for people to play with and cut loose. Who doesn’t love a funny hat?
Photo booths and flip books can be a huge hit at parties. Somehow, the old-school technology of actual paper pictures just sits right with people, regardless of their age. So whether it’s nostalgia or novelty, the immediate gratification of fun, impromptu pictures is a blast for everyone.
Our booth attendants are hired for their great personalities, and they arrive early to set up, no extra charge.  In fact, everything is included in our reasonable rates. All the prints, a memory book, and online access to all your pictures are all included. There are never any hidden charges at A Flying Camera.
A photo booth is a great addition to any party. It combines fun, acting silly, breaking the ice, and built-in souvenirs. Don’t let your wedding reception or class party be a dud. Call A Flying Camera in San Diego at (619) 308-6866!